Wednesday, July 6, 2011

What To share first? How about the Fourth of July?

Before you comment about pictures please see my "About me" Post. It's adorable so it isn't a waste I promise!

So to kick off this blog, I decided to discuss my both incredibly fun and scary fourth of July. My boyfriend and I decided to join my mom and her boyfriend at a local park to watch the firework show. We expected some people, but it ended up being a huge crowd of people.

The amount of people there was absolutely crazy, there was a pit with a live band, and hundreds and hundreds of people. My boyfriend and I are people intolerant, kind of like lactose intolerant but with less stomach aches and more urge to punch.
Despite the crazy amount of people it was actually a lot of fun, I got to cuddle with my boyfriend while watching fireworks and eating food. 

I think the people who actually lit off the fireworks didn't know what they were doing though, the fireworks went off extremely close to the ground and it was a bit terrifying, but beautiful.

Once the fireworks were done, my Momma and her boyfriend went to his house and My boyfriend was going to come over to mine for a while. Unfortunately, with fireworks comes idiots who like to stand in the middle of the road. We were stuck in the parking lot for almost half an hour.

Eventually we made it back to my home, located in the ghetto-esq part of my town. He logged on to my computer and for a while he showed me a lot of old country stars like George Jones, George Straight, and many others who did not have George as their first name. At one point we heard loud booms and thought nothing of them except people lighting off fireworks close by. Then we went out to his truck.

As I climbed in his truck to get something out I noticed glass shards everywhere.
Me: Hey Babe there's glass everywhere.
My Boyfriend: Well that shouldn't be there, Where'd it come from? GOD DAMMIT MY BACK WINDOW!

And that's not even the tailgate.
Here is how we looked on the outside:
Here's how I think we looked on the inside:

We went straight back in my house so I could pack. No way was I staying there tonight. He carefully drove us and the truck to a near by church parking lot, you know, because bad things don't happen in church parking lots. None the less we felt safer and he called the cops. The cop who came by said some one threw firecrackers in the back, but the next day My boyfriend found bird shot shells in his truck bed and my mom found some near our mailbox. I'm sure that the person shooting must not have been that smart.
My mom says the same thing happened a long time ago when we lived in Seattle where my Dad's friends shot guns in the air in excitement and shot out our neighbor's window. The point being idiots have the ability to get a hold of guns. 
 The safest place I guess will be under a blanket. Best off if it's bullet proof.
It's not that big of a deal, seeing as how no one got hurt which is the most important thing. This day just seemed worth noting. Therefore, I end with a message to whoever shot my boyfriend's car:
You are a terrible person who made my boyfriend have to spend his money he was saving for college and a new truck to fix this one. I hope a Grizzly-Lion turns you into jerky.

1 comment:

  1. Omg, I love your drawings! I missed seeing them in school. I remember all your drawings in Japanese class. I'm sorry that happened on the 4th. People are stupid. "You just have to remember that there are stupid people in the world and there is nothing you can do about it." -Mrs. Trager.
    Miss you girl! Blogger is the best place to start out, Wordpress is amazing, though. Also, Windows Livewriter is really easy to use and free to download. I love it!
