Um, well, maybe my summer wasn't that eventful.
I did watch the entire series of My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic. :D I really really like this show. Does that make me a brony or a Pega-sis? Not quite sure. Ah well.
I discovered a darker side to me as well this summer when I discovered the joys of "Left 4 Dead"
I always play as Louis in L4D and Ellis in L4D2, but Ellis is my favorite by far. Anyway, the reason it's dark is not just because I enjoy slaying thousands of zombies, i swear and say things that would make a sailor cry. The nicest I get is when I call everything a butt monkey.
That is in no way appropriate for me to draw. Oh well, could've been worse. Also, for those who play left for dead does anyone else think that before the spitter was a zombie she was a prostitute with throat gonorrhea?
I wish I could have seen more people more often. I've almost seen everyone I want too. I even got to see david before he left for basic training. I hope he's not suffering too much.
Next year is My senior year. The first few weeks will be awkward as i try to fit into a new group of people as the main people I saw last year were seniors and well, they're not here anymore. At least i'll have Aja in the same boat as me. :)
When they leave for college we lose a ton of friends and that also means my boyfriend is leaving. Now I can take this two ways. The Ginny Weasley Way: Be a bad ass and destroy evil or The Bella Swan Way: Curl up in a ball and cry for a few months then do stupid things to almost get me killed because I've gone crazy.
Yeah...Harry Potter Methods for the win.
Still to come this summer is a big wild waves trip with nearly all my friends and a few more weeks of friendly fun before everything has to start up, and in the words of Ms Gahl I become "Master Of Everything".
P.S. You should go check out Aja's blog, just click on her name. It's a link. ;)